Things to know about Agriculture.

Introduction of Agriculture

Agriculture is also known as "farming". It is the backbone of human civilization.

The word agriculture derived from Middle English adaptation of Latin agricultura, from ager, "field", and cultura, "cultivation" or "growing".

Agriculture is the art and science or practice of farming of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising domesticated animals. 

The major agricultural products can be broadly grouped into foods, fibers, medicine and raw materials. Food classes include grains, vegetables, fruits, oils, meat, milk, fungi and eggs. Over one-third of the world's workers are employed in agriculture sector.

Indian Agriculture.

Indian agriculture started on 9000 BCE as a result of early cultivation of plants, and domestication of  animals.

In India there two monsoons that leads to two harvests in one year. Indian products soon reached the world via existing trading networks and foreign crops introduced in India.

Indian crops:
Food Crops: Rice, Wheat, Millets, Maize and Pulses.
Cash Crops: Sugarcane, Oil seeds, Horticulture Crops, Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Cotton and Jute.

Types of Agriculture.

  •  Pastoralism: It involves managing domesticated animals.

  • Shifting cultivation: Is a small area of forest is cleared by cutting and burning the trees. The land is cleared and used for growing crops for a few years until the soil becomes too infertile, and the area is abandoned. This practice is mainly used by tribal groups to grow Tuber and Root crops.
  • Subsistence farming: Farming is practiced to satisfy family or local needs, with little left over for transport elsewhere. 
  • Intensive farming: Is cultivation to maximize productivity, with a low fallow ratio and a high use of inputs (water, fertilizer, pesticide and automation). 
  • Extensive farming: This is a modern type of farming where it relies largely on machinery as opposed to human labour force and rises one crop per year. This type can be seen in developed word and some part of India.
  • Commercial farming: The goal of this farming to produce and it can be exported to other countries or areas for profit. Such as Wheat, Cotton, Sugarcane and Corn are some commercial crops.
  • Plantation farming: it requires a lot of space and long growing period such as Rubber, Tea, Coconut, Coffee, Cocoa, Spices and Fruits. Plantation are only capable of producing a single crop.
  • Dry land farming: It is parctised in the more aired and dessert like areas of the country. crops such as Gram jowar, Bajra and Peas have lower water  requirements.
  • Wet land farming: This type of farming are affected by heavy monsoon rains and subsequent flooding. Such as Rice, Jute and Sugarcane.

Important of Agriculture.

  • Agriculture provide food for Human beings and Animals
  • Agriculture improve standard of living of farmers.
  • Agriculture is a Source of Income for many people
  • From agriculture products we will get raw materials that are needed to manufacturing finished goods.
  • Agriculture increase Employment Opportunities
  • Most of the drugs and medication comes from trees and plants.
  • Many countries earn most of their income from agriculture.
  • Plants and trees help to purify the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. 
  • The roots of plants and tress hold together the soil particles and stop soil erosion.
  • Farming helps to cool the earth’s surface and reduces evaporation of water from the surface.
  • We can also do International trade for agricultural products which are interchanged between countries.

Problems of Agriculture

  • Expensive and Resource-consuming Agricultural Practices
  • Over-exploitation of Resources
  • Poor land management
  • Food wastage
  • Unwillingness to adopt farming as a profession
  • Poor government policies
  • Changes in monsoons 

         If you have any thoughts please comment.


  1. Superb information...basic knowledge about agriculture 👌

  2. Very beautiful explained,
    Excellent information regarding Agriculture.

  3. Fantastic work ,very well explained, good information

  4. informative.
    Keep up the good work
    maybe in your next blog you could do a little more research into intensive and commercial farming .Organic farming and it's benefits .Aquaponics and multi layer farming.Advantages of symbiotic relationship in case of multilayer farming and the impact on yield.
    Different irrigation techniques .Issues like better water management in agricultural sector .Cost efficient farming etc .
    Best yielding crops for tropical climate and changing trends in the export market .

  5. You could also write about large scale sandalwood cultivation and global demand and supply gap.Current and forecasted .
    You could also write about the regulatory amendments in purchase of agricultural property etc which will passed in the forthcoming sessions in Karnataka.


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